• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

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Cloud Kicker might just have the wildest life of any pony in Equestria. Marvel at the insanity that is her life, and laugh at the suffering of her poor beleaguered best friend, Blossomforth. And maybe, just maybe, there's more to her than just the lovable sex maniac everypony thinks she is.

This is a semi-sequel to "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash." Not really a proper sequel, since it's focused on Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth instead of Rainbow and Pinkie, but it's in the same continuity. So I guess that makes it a follow-up-side-quel story. Or something. You don't need to have read "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash" to read or enjoy this, but you ought to read it anyway, just because.

TvTropes Page

The central story of the Winningverse.

We got a tag for Cloud Kicker, but Blossomforth still deserves one too.

Chapters (28)

We just work here. And work. And work.

Look, it’s a long shift, okay?

But for ten minutes (or more), all is right in the world.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest III
and The Dialogue Only Contest
and The ‘Not-a-Contest’

Chapters (5)

Picture, if you will, the most mundane of existences that could ever be imagined on our planet. What you just thought up was probably very much like my own, happy, regular, uninteresting-in-every-possible-way life. Simply mix in a healthy dose of 'staying away from women or romance of any kind at all costs' and you've got it down pat.

Well, that didn't last long.

I guess all that boring-ness was saved up in some cosmic karma pool or something, because I've suddenly woken up in a strange pony land where everything's flip-flopped and I'm treated like a helpless child. And all with a new body, to boot!

Joy of all joys.

Hi, my name's Heath. Here's my story.


This narrative is essentially the culmination of everything I've wanted to see happen in similarly-themed stories but never did. It is my belief that perhaps the best reason for writing a story is that you really want to read one that has not yet been written. That was certainly the case for Libero.

In any case, I won't spoil too much, but the purposeful lack of Comedy, Human, or Slice Of Life tags should be indication enough that this fic will not be following the path of its predecessors.

Updates will likely be very sparse, as that's just the kind of writer I am.

Chapters (8)

Sunshine Smiles enjoys the promise of a new day, the rosy reds of dawn, the moment when the new sun's light kisses Equestria.

Moonlight Raven prefers the thoughtful solitude of the night, the soft shadows of moonlight and the peaceful silence of a slumbering city.

Chapters (1)

Roseluck has a problem. She loves this alien named Anon. While that may be a problem for some ponies, Roseluck knew there was someone else in the way. A certain someone she knew all too well...

WARNING: Light RGRE themes.

Inspired by the song VOLA - Straight Lines.

Art by viwrastupr (linked in source of image).

Pre-read by 6-D Pegasus.

Gift for Lucky Seven. Welcome back to Fimfic!

Chapters (1)

Sunburst is dead, but Starlight Glimmer has fixed it.

She isn't one to let a little death get in the way of a good time.

An entry for both the Dialogue Only Contest and A Thousand Words Contest III (Comedy category).

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Eclipse

Page needs a vacation.

He's not getting a vacation.

What he does get, is... how do they put it? Brand new exciting opportunities.
He never wanted to be a Prince, nor to rule. But he's stuck with the job, which means having ponies relying on him.
So he's doing his best.
Which would be fine, except ponies seem happy to keep finding brand new ways to make it harder for him.

Chapters (40)

Nighmare Moon was banished for one thousand years. She had more than enough time to plan her return. Every aspect was intricately planned down to the letter, for maximum dramatic effect to instil sufficient terror in her future subjects that they would bow down without question.

At least, that was how the plan was supposed to go.

Cover artwork courtesy of BudgieFlitter on DeviantArt.

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance has a problem only Agent Sweetie Drops can solve. But Agent Sweetie Drops—now known to almost everypony as Bon-Bon—would rather tear her own legs off than work for a princess again.

This was originally going to be my entry in the 2024 May Pairings Contest, but I didn't get it finished in time.

Chapters (1)

I keep a pocketwatch. Odd thing for a time-traveler to say. Fortunately, it was enchanted by a friend of mine to tell me the year, along with the relative time. I used to find it odd that if I spent a day in the year 600, a day would pass in the year 2300 and 1000 and...oh, you get the idea.
Of course, I found being here also something to freak out about, much less the ability to travel the time-stream with that Gate Key I ordered. Apparently the thing worked a little too well.
It did, after all, pull me here from home. And while I found the way to go back a while ago...
...I can't leave. Not yet.

...I've seen their future. And I'll be damned if I leave them to it.

Chapters (43)